Quality of Education – Sir William Stanier 2023
Intent Statement
At Sir William Stanier School we aim to provide an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum that empowers students with the opportunity to acquire deep knowledge, understanding, and skills by fostering a passion for learning.
The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students, irrespective of their backgrounds or abilities. Leaders develop well sequenced, challenging and ambitious curriculum plans that match students' learning needs while promoting their personal, moral, social, and cultural development.
Our well-designed curriculum is research based which will give courage to young people to achieve their aspirations and make a positive contribution to their community.
Implementation Statement
The implementation of our curriculum is achieved through a culture of improved high expectations, alongside the use of a range of strategies that support the delivery of our ambitious, broad and balanced plans.
In the classroom, students engage in regular, spaced retrieval practice to help them retain knowledge and skills. Teachers deliver information through explicit instruction, ensuring all information is clearly communicated to students and considers students’ working memory. In addition, students are provided with time for deliberate practice to support their learning. Teachers then use data driven instructional techniques to respond directly to the needs of every child using both formative and summative assessment.
Regular summative and formative assessment and feedback ensures students know and understand their areas of strength and development. Through our directed improvement time students are shown precisely how to improve and are challenged to transfer knowledge to increasingly novel concepts as they grow to become resilient, confident, and lifelong learners.
Each subject areas curriculum plan is adapted to meet the needs of students who have special educational needs, disabilities or who are disadvantaged. There is a clear intent for every curriculum studied in the school which is integrated alongside the school’s vision and values.
Impact Statement
Students will achieve excellent academic standards and will be well prepared to progress onto further education or employment with strong personal, moral, and social development.
High-quality teaching, assessment and planning should ensure students progress well from their starting points in Year 7, and the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students narrows.
Teachers' high expectations motivate and challenge students to achieve their potential, and students have a clear pathway to their next stage of education.
Students are actively engaged in their learning and they positively contribute to the wider school community. There is strong evidence of students preparing well for their future lives and achieving success in areas such as leadership, entrepreneurship, and community engagement.
The school's curricula reflects the local and wider community's cultural diversity, and students are well prepared for the challenges posed by future careers and technological advancements.
A range of extra-curricular activities promote students' self-esteem, emotional stability, and confidence. Students are good people who understand their rights and responsibilities, and who show respect for others and the environment.
The NEET trends remain below Cheshire East and National figures (15% 2011, 0.65% in 2016-2017, 1.6% 2017-2018 current). The NEET figure represents 1 student in 2016-2017 and 2 students in 2017-2018, all of whom are now employed within their family businesses. All students who followed an alternative pathway that did not support progress 8 outcomes and significantly impacted on the overall school performance are in training/education. SWS believes that this demonstrates that the curriculum intent and implementation is effective and meets the needs of our students.
The curriculum must be inclusive and allow for the development of the whole child, regardless of their background or ability. The impact of an excellent Quality of Education will be seen in the achievements of students who demonstrate academic excellence and lift their communities to new heights.
In summary, Quality of Education at Sir William Stanier School requires a passionate and knowledgeable teaching team that designs a coherent and ambitious curriculum in line with the school's vision and values. Teachers should be flexible in their approach, using a variety of teaching strategies, and be prepared to adapt their methods continually in response to student progress.