In our self-improving school system, our school is committed to continually reviewing and evaluating our provision to ensure we provide the highest Quality of Education for every student. 

Our Quality Assurance (QA) policy and associated processes: 

  • Test the extent to which the school’s curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that students will gain at each key stage, across all our provisions. 
  • Evidence the effectiveness of teaching the curriculum and the learning experience gained by all students. 
  • Evaluate the outcomes that students achieve because of the education they have received. 

Key features of our QA processes: 

  • a clearly communicated and understood set of processes. 
  • consistent and accurate across the school. 
  • transparent (as appropriate) and developmental in nature. 
  • accountability and responsibility for improvement is clear. 
  • not onerous such that it significantly increases workloads. 
  • leads to a higher Quality of Education for all students. 

Quality Assurance Summary 

Half Termly QA 

Temperature Checks – These will allow teachers at all stages of their carers to observe their peers with the aim of developing pedagogical practice (via coaching) and for curriculum leaders to continuously improve their faculty. 

Learning Conversations / Stakeholder Voice (including student, parent and staff voice) – The views of all stakeholders will be used to inform the evaluation and development of the curriculum including teaching, learning and assessment across the faculty/school. The questions asked will link clearly to the area of the school/faculty development plans; this is to ensure curriculum and senior leaders continuously improve the school. 

Moderation – This is the building of a shared understanding of standards and expectations for any curriculum by providing accurate professional judgements on student progress. During the process of moderation, these judgements are shared, discussed and aligned with the schools expectations or national standards. Professional judgements are based on demonstrated application of the skills, knowledge and understanding of any curriculum/course. These judgements must be moderated to ensure that they are fair, valid and reliable. Moderation is a collaborative activity, done within a faculty and/or across faculties. 

Work Samples – Work samples are designed to help analyse the Quality of Education across the faculty/school. It can be used to evaluate the learning of a particular cohort (e.g. a year group, SEN, Pupil Premium), a specific teaching and learning issue (e.g. student response to formative feedback), the progress of individual students or progress with raising the attainment of our students. A clear focus, if appropriate, for work samples will be defined by those carrying out the process and the focus and timing will be shared with all staff involved. 

Ongoing QA 

Curriculum Development and Reviews - Either through line management or working groups, senior and curriculum leaders will need to regularly review the overall curriculum and the design of its delivery, including sequencing, lesson structure, purple sheets and assessment processes. 

Line Management - Regular informal and formal catch ups, meetings and joint temperature checks will be a feature of good line management, to support and challenge staff to ensure they and their students thrive.  

Staff Appraisal, Coaching and Professional Development - Our appraisal systems will enable both holding individuals to account for their performance and support their own learning. This is not just a once or twice a year event but rather a continuous process with key milestone reviews.  

Outcomes/Data Analysis – Outcomes/Data analysis enables us to monitor and track students’ progress and the progress of groups within faculty areas. It will be used to celebrate good progress as well as to identify those who are not making expected progress, which is the first step in making decisions about possible intervention strategies.  

Curriculum Leaders Faculty Self-Evaluation Form – Faculty self-evaluation is an essential part of any Curriculum Leaders toolkit. The process enables curriculum Leaders to understand their faculty and it aids decision making and planning about the next steps to.