GCSE Information

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Mental Health & Well-being

At SWS mental health is treated as seriously as physical health.

We will discuss your concerns with you and help you find ways of coping with the distressing situation. We can help you make positive changes and support you to overcome any difficulties you are facing. This may be in the form of one to one counselling or small group work or peer supported sessions.

Good mental health and wellbeing is fundamental to being comfortable, healthy and happy which in turn is the bedrock of being a successful student. We can help to support your emotional wellbeing in order for you to manage your studies and make the most of school life.

You can see Miss Bloor (see details below) in confidence to discuss any concerns you have about your own mental health and emotional wellbeing, or that of another student.


Parental Concerns

SWS can offer parental support groups for advice and guidance to families supporting students struggling with emotional and mental health difficulties. Sessions will take place over lunchtime or after school and will be run by the  qualified school counsellor.

For any parents who have any concerns or questions, please contact Miss Bloor:

Email: kirsty.bloor@sws.cheshire.sch.uk

Tel: 01270 667549


Parents Guide to Support

Parents Survival Guide

Feelings and Symptoms

Looking After Yourself

NHS Mental Health Helpline

Updated: 30/07/2020 136 KB

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Updated: 30/07/2020 875 KB