Student Leadership


  • Student Leaders are the school’s role models
  • You need to be a student who works hard to reach our school’s expectation of good behaviour
  • 95% and above attendance
  • Always be punctual to school and lessons
  • You also need to always be in full and correct school uniform. As a Student Leader you will be required to wear your Student Leadership tie and complete at least one duty per week during the school day

Personal qualities

  • You should like working with and talking to other students.
  • You should be able to build good working relationships with staff, governors and community members.
  • You should want to make a lasting impact at school and be involved in decision making.
  • You should be able to work well in a team.
  • You should have good time management skills e.g. balancing commitments.
  • You should be polite, mature, responsible and reliable at all times.

Student leadership roles

  • Year 8 and Year 11 Head boy and Head girl
  • Year 8 and Year 11 Deputy Head boy and Head girl
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Enrichment
  • Peer mentors/mediators
  • Sport
  • Student council leaders
  • Primary school
  • Student governor
  • Faculty/Subject
  • Communications
  • Mental health ambassadors
  • Fundraising
  • Community
  • Student librarians
  • Paired readers
  • Performance