We have a new catering provide from September - Aramark

Sir William Stanier operates an online payment system which enables parents to pay for school meals, visits and other activities using the Internet. Parents/ carers are provided with login details and a unique online link code when students start at the school. 

The school canteen operates a cashless catering system and all students use a biometric reading of their thumb or finger to access their personal accounts when they wish to purchase any food. Students can load money onto their accounts at the ReValuer machine in school. Alternatively, parents/ carers can top up their accounts electronically via the link below. You will also find a sample menus in the documents at the bottom of the pag





•    Hot and cold food available at break and lunchtime
•    Automatic recognition of your child’s account is done with fingerprint scanning when students start in Year 7
•    Online payments are made via Parentpay. This is also where you can track your child’s meals and spending
•    Daily spend limits available

If your child has specific dietary requirements please contact Mrs Flood.

Email Barbara.flood@sws.cheshire.sch.uk  or Telephone: 01270 660850


Updated: 28/07/2023 1.71 MB
Updated: 28/07/2023 3.77 MB