Personal Development statement

At Sir William Stanier, we believe in developing the whole student, both at an academic level and a character level. To enable students to have the opportunity to develop their character and understanding of their community, students undertake Personal development as part of their curriculum offer. 

Personal development develops the students’ values and virtues as well as an understanding of their communities. Within the programme of study, students meet the national statutory curriculum for RSE and careers. 

Within RSE, students develop an understanding of relationships and families, the online world and media, how to keep themselves safe and intimate relationships. Individual lessons are tailored to the needs of the local and surrounding communities.

The careers element has been carefully designed, utilising local business and support, to prepare students for the local and national labour market. 

The character development element of the curriculum enables students to develop character virtues, such as Integrity, Curiosity, Perseverance, which will enable students to flourish, both now and in the future; in the workplace in the relationships and all aspects of their lives. 

Character development sessions are delivered through explicitly ‘taught’ virtues and subject projects, which provide opportunities for students to develop these virtues outside of their traditional curriculum. 

At Sir William Stanier, we develop our young people to equip them with the skill set that will allow them to stand out from their peers as they progress through their learning journey.

Personal development

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