“No person in the modern world can be considered educated without a basic knowledge of 
all the great religions of the world.” – E.D. Hirsch

Our Key Stage 3 RE curriculum allows students the diverse religious and non-religious traditions that play a role in shaping identity, Great Britain and the world.  Students learn about the past, the present and human kind as well as the philosophy that shapes our world.

Years 10 & 11

The course is split into two components:

1. The study of Religions: beliefs, teachings and practices

2. Thematic Studies

1. The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices

You will study two of the world’s major religions, for example Christianity, Islam or Buddhism.

You will explore how each religion has specific teachings and the impact these beliefs have on society today. You will also study religious festivals, ceremonies and impacts on the wider community.

2. Thematic studies

These themes are similar to those students have already covered during key stage 3.  Each theme has specific focus that will investigate an ethical, moral and religious viewpoint found in British society today.

Theme A: Relationships and families.
Theme B: Religion and life.
Theme C: The existence of God and revelation.
Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict.
Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment.
Theme F: Religion, human rights and social justice.


The Learning Partnership