Yr 11 Feb HT Revision Sessions

Updated: 14/02/2024 154 KB


We're excited to announce revision sessions during February half term, focused on supporting Year 11 students for their upcoming exams. Scheduled from the 16th to the 21st, these sessions cover key subjects and are vital for exam preparation.

Attendance is highly recommended, offering students a chance to engage with teachers and refine their skills. We encourage a balanced approach to revision, emphasising well-being alongside academic effort. Your support in ensuring your child's participation is invaluable. 

Friday    16th February    Science    3-4pm

Monday    19th February    Health and Social Care    9:30-11:30am & French    9:30-11:30am
Tuesday    20th February    Maths    9:30-11:30am
Wednesday 21st February      English    9:30-11:30am

Creating a structured plan and adopting effective strategies can significantly enhance students' preparation and performance in the lead-up to their exams. Here's some advice and guidance to help students make the most of the time they have left before their exams:

 1. Organise Your Study Space
- Create a Conducive Environment: Ensure your study area is quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions. Having a tidy workspace can help minimise stress and maximise focus.
- Gather Necessary Materials: Keep all your study materials, such as textbooks, notes, and stationery, within reach to avoid wasting time looking for them.

 2. Develop a Study Schedule
- Plan Your Time: Break down your study subjects into manageable chunks and allocate specific times to each topic. Include short breaks to prevent burnout.
- Prioritise Subjects: Focus on subjects or topics you find challenging first. This approach ensures you have ample time to grasp difficult concepts.
3. Employ Effective Study Techniques
- Active Learning: Engage with the material through summarisation, teaching others, or applying concepts to different scenarios.
- Practice on Past Papers: Solving previous exam papers under timed conditions can help familiarise you with the format and identify areas needing improvement.
- Use Mnemonics: Memory aids can make it easier to remember facts and concepts.

 4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
- Regular Exercise: Physical activity can boost your memory and cognitive skills, besides relieving stress.
- Nutritious Diet: Eating a balanced diet can enhance your energy levels and concentration. Include brain foods like fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt, and blueberries in your diet.
- Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough sleep each night to consolidate memory and rejuvenate your mind and body.

 5. Manage Stress Effectively
- Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help manage exam anxiety.
- Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset by visualising success and rewarding yourself for meeting study goals.
- Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, family, or friends if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

 6. Review and Reflect
- Regular Review Sessions: Schedule sessions to review what you've studied to enhance memory retention.
- Adjust Your Plan as Needed: Be flexible and willing to adjust your study plan based on what’s working and what’s not.
7. Use Technology Wisely
- Educational Apps and Websites: Utilise online resources and apps for revision and practice questions.
- Limit Social Media: Reduce time spent on social media to minimise distractions and free up more time for studying.
8. Stay Motivated
- Set Clear Goals: Having specific, achievable goals for each study session can help keep you focused and motivated.
- Visualise Your Success: Regularly remind yourself of your goals and the reasons you’re working hard.

By following these guidelines, students can enhance their preparation, reduce stress, and approach their exams with confidence. Remember, attendance and resilience are key to success.